Experienced Working with Investor Portfolios
Our Portfolio Managers make Rent Solutions unique for investors. We have Portfolio Managers with years of experience in evaluating, rehabbing and managing investment properties. Most of our Portfolio Managers and company leadership have bought and renovated numerous investment properties for themselves. We give our experts the best tools possible to manage your home. They know the best vendors in the industry, tenant-landlord laws and what is needed to rent your home. Having an investment property expert is the greatest asset to choosing property management because you can be assured a knowledgeable Portfolio Manager will always be in your corner. We have helped dozens of investors grow their portfolio, often starting with just one or two troubled properties. We not only helped fix those troubled properties, but then helped them successfully acquire new properties to grow their investments into a profitable portfolio that performs well.
Solutions to Meet Your Specific Goals
Your Portfolio Manager will take the time to learn about your specific goals. This could be understanding the type of property you are looking to purchase, specific information and reports you may need or your exit strategy for properties. By learning about your specific goals and needs, we can tailor our efforts and offer solutions best suited for YOU.